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That's right, Ace gets his own page...

Author Shelley Cass Sleep Sweet Series Star Ace
Author Shelley Cass and Sleep Sweet Series star, Ace

Plot twist.

Acey is the star of 'Sleep Sweet' book two, He is also with me through every bit of the author process.
Sticking by my side, even though he makes it clear that my life choices are VERY boring.

Author Shelley Cass and Sleep Sweet Series star, Ace

Mum, audiobooks are boring. Come out of the cupboard and have some squeakers...

Author Shelley Cass and Sleep Sweet Series star, Ace
Author Shelley Cass and Sleep Sweet Series star, Ace

Fine. I'm gonna watch you then.

Mum, typing is boring. Let me stop you right there.

Author Shelley Cass and Sleep Sweet Series star, Ace

Fine. I'm gonna watch you then.

Mum, your stories are boring.

Fine. I'm gonna eat them then.

Sleep Sweet series star, Acey
The Sleep Sweet series star, Acey

You sure these ones weren't the bedtime stories? Zzzzz.

Author Shelley Cass and Sleep Sweet Series star, Ace
Author Shelley Cass and Sleep Sweet Series star, Ace

Oh, you're trying to announce a new release? I'll help...

Author Shelley Cass and Sleep Sweet Series star, Ace
Author Shelley Cass and Sleep Sweet Series star, Ace
Author Shelley Cass and Sleep Sweet Series star, Ace

It's hard work keeping you grounded. But I'll always do it for you.

Sleep Sweet Series star, Ace
Sleep Sweet Series Book Two, Ace

I'm the star of my own book.
I'm a pretty big deal guys!

©2021 by Shelley Cass. Wix.

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